

Equipment and resources

1300MEDICS has all the equipment and infrastructure needed to provide the highest level of medical care at your event.


Capabilities like all-terrain vehicles, portable medical centres, wireless electronic reporting and portable communication towers enable us to cover every eventuality. We provide the highest levels of event medical care using:


– Medical Equipment.

– Bicycle Response Team.

– Portable Event Support Units.

– Vehicles.

– Communications.

– Electronic Reporting.


Contact us today to discuss your event medical equipment and resource needs.


Medical Equipment

Our teams are kitted out to a very high standard, regularly carrying: Trauma kits; Oxygen resuscitation kits; AED;  Defibrillator / monitors; Paramedic kits; Spinal collars; Splints; Pelvic binders and Advanced Life Support equipment including IV access equipment and emergency medications including pain relief. We provide extrication equipment including stretchers, stair chairs, scoop stretchers and carry sheets. And set up comprehensive medical centres with resuscitation areas, acute spaces, fast track and procedure bays.

Bicycle Response Team

We have a team of fifteen paramedics, medics and nurses who work as part our Cycle Medical Team which provides bicycle mounted medical first response to events spread over large areas. Bicycle response has been demonstrated around the world to be an efficient way of responding to emergencies in high crowd environments. Our specially equipped bicycles feature visual and audible warning devices and are able to carry oxygen, defibrillators and advanced supplies like intravenous drips and medications.

Portable Event Support Units

Our portable event support unit provides a multi-configuration medical centre which can accommodate three acute stretcher patients or a resuscitation suite and clinic office. The unit is air conditioned and includes hospital-grade wall-mounted monitoring equipment, clinical lighting and examination implements.  We also have a trailer-based setup which is deployed into a 6x6m popup tent suitable for shorter deployments.


We have a wide range of vehicles including two 2WD Merc sprinter ambulances and two 4WD LandCruiser troop carrier ambulances. All vehicles are kitted to a high standard and are always regularly maintained regardless of cost.


We provide communications equipment as part of our service package for major events. We own and operate three repeaters including a mobile and vehicle mountable unit which can be setup to establish reliable radio communications across extensive sites like the course of a marathon or adventure race. We also operate satellite phones and a network of event-dedicated mobile phones and tablets for real-time GPS tracking and incident reporting.

Electronic Reporting

Our ePCR system allows our medics to record incidents and patient care at the bedside and transmit data electronically to the client and to our clinical quality assurance system which provides random auditing of all care provided.

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