
Our highly trained staff

1300MEDICS call on a wide pool of specialists including experienced doctors, nurses, paramedics and a large team of undergraduate student ‘medics’.


We provide the highest levels of event medical care across:


– Basic Life Support.

– Advanced Life Support.

– Critical Care.


Contact us today to discuss your event medical staffing needs.

Basic Life Support (BLS)

Our team of Basic Life Support Medics provide thousands of hours of first aid every year to a variety f events including sporting fixtures, school events and community functions.


All of these medics are trained comprehensively in advanced first aid resuscitation, automatic defibrillation & spinal injury. Several of our medics are also trained in the administration of basic pain relief including Methoxyflurane (the green whistle).


Most of our Basic Life Support medics are undergraduate paramedic students and are required to undertake monthly training with the Ambulance Service to keep their skills current.


At major events where there are more than thirty medics deployed, the team are supported by a Duty Manager and Operations Supervisors who provide oversight of everything that happens at the event. 

Advanced Life Support (ALS)

Our ALS team deliver care at high risk events which traditionally have been serviced by ambulance paramedics and nurses.


Our team is a close knit group of qualified paramedics (advanced care or level 3) and registered nurses with emergency backgrounds, who meet the requirements of Queensland Health to possess and administer a wide range of emergency medications.


The team can provide a wide range of interventions including: Inhaled and injectable pain relief; Intravenous (IV) drips and fluid; Advanced airway management: Medications for Asthma attacks; Allergic reactions; Diabetic problems; Cardiac problems / Cardiac arrests; Seizures; Nausea/Vomiting; Drug overdoses; and Cardiac monitoring.


We have the capacity to deploy up to fifteen ALS nurses and paramedics to major events in a variety of roles including medical oversight, triage and clinical supervision. 



Critical Care

Our Critical Care Medics comprise Ambulance Intensive Care Paramedics (Level 4) and emergency-trained Doctors.

They have yers of experience providing critical care interventions at major events including: Intraosseous (into bone); Intubation; Wound Closure (sutures); Emergency Surgical skills; Medications for Sedations & Agitated behaviour; Advanced Cardiac skills; and Cardiac pacing.

Our Critical Care Medics are assessed individually every six months on a range of basic and advanced skills. These medics are also required to complete an ongoing professional development program.     

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